October 11th, 2009
Andrew Sullivan didn't post my photo this morning for his infamous "The View From Your Window," so I figured meh, tonight I'd post it myself. My blog has almost the same traffic as the Daily Dish anyway, right?
I'm always apt for saying that summer is my favorite season, but there's something about fall and winter that praises redemption, recycling, reinvigoration. The snow was exciting this morning, and it stuck around all evening. Quite the bike ride into Cedar/Riverside this afternoon.
"I've got this store bought way of saying I'm okay."
Here's one of a couple reasons I haven't been blogging much/socializing much lately. I succumbed and got a twitter, though, and i think it's updating on the sidebar of my blog. follow it and hilarity (of the "21st century, urban revivalist technologically-connected-but-emotionally-alienated existentialist crisis state of our privileged-Western World lives in which irony is a vehicle we use to convey the emotion we somehow can't otherwise express" variety) will ensue. I've been taking a bunch of photos with my film camera for a photography class I'm taking at St Kate's, so I have an excuse for those of you who actually read this blog (all four of you) and are wondering where all my photos have gone. They'll get scanned in, eventually, although probably not until December.
The damp days of fall are arriving, and they bring with them the end of the Timbers season, the advent of 40-degree high days, caffeine dependence, and the perfect mindset to listen to a bunch of Mark Kozelek every night before I go to sleep.